- Project: Employment generation and vocational training for young people in Guatemala
- Contracting Authority : European Union
- Location : Guatemala
- Period: 2014-2018
Project Description
The programme will contribute to improving the living conditions of young Guatemalan men and women by providing them with good quality employment opportunities. The project will consist of three components, in accordance with the program´s three specific objectives:
Generation and identification of decent work opportunities. This first component will be directed at facilitating the incorporation of women into productive activities in already-existing companies, as well as through the creation and/or strengthening of MSME.
Creation and/or improvement of technical capacities in preparation for work. The second component will be closely linked with the first in terms of identifying the specific training needs that young men and women will require in order to undertake the jobs offered by already-existing companies.
Supporting the institutional framework for a national employment system with focus on youth. The third component will focus on specific activities that could contribute to the establishment of a functioning National Employment System, building on the experience of National Employment Policy (NEP), which includes the creation of a National Employment Cabinet.
Expected Results
R1. Decent work opportunities have been identified and/or generated, and are occupied by Guatemalan men and women between the ages of 14 and 29, both in the formal sector, as well as through the creation and/or strengthening of MSME.
R2. Guatemalan men and women between the ages of 14 and 29 have new and/or improved capacities that allow them to better adapt themselves to decent work opportunities for both wage and self-employed jobs, and b) the supply of technical training for work is more relevant to the needs of unemployed and underemployed young people.
R3. A National Employment System exists and is oriented to serving the young segment of the population, specifically, reliable information is available, and regulatory instruments have been updated to serve as tools in the decision-making process for the implementation of the National Employment Policy that will include continuous dialogue with relevant social partners.