- Project: Technical Assistance to the Programme Support to Human Rights and Democracy in Honduras
- Contracting Authority : European Union
- Location : Honduras
- Period: 2020-2025
Project description
Specific Objective 1: Ensure technical assistance to the national institutions linked to the Programme, for institutional strengthening and harmonization of a National Human Rights System at the national and local level, aligning it with the National Human Rights Policy of Honduras.
Specific Objective 2: Ensure the active participation of non-state actors, in particular civil society organizations and the private sector, involved in the national human rights system, as key agents for the promotion of human rights, the prevention of abuses and the formulation, implementation and oversight of policies and strategies related to human rights.
Expected results
R 1. The regulatory and complaint management frameworks of the National Human Rights System are harmonized and strengthened.
R 2. The capacities of the key national institutions that act in the human rights system (SEDH, CONADEH, Public Ministry, MNP-CONAPREV) have been strengthened to fulfill their mandate.
R 3. Human rights institutions at the local level in prioritized geographic areas, have strengthened their capacities to respond and resolve human rights claims and institutional articulation is achieved.
R 4. The capacities (technical, dialogue, oversight, among others) of the Civil Society Human Rights Organizations have been improved and they are organized in local platforms.
R 5. The private companies are aware of their responsibilities in relation to human rights and integrate them into their policies and activities.