- Project: Laboratory of Social Cohesion in Mexico, Phase II
- Contracting Authority : European Union
- Location : Mexico
- Period: 2014-2019
Project Description
Overall objective: to strengthen social cohesion in Mexico through public policies and structural reforms promoting more equitable access to basic public services and opportunities for young people and women.
Specific Objective: to support the states of Oaxaca and San Luis Potosí, as well as the Federal agencies involved in the project, in the review, adjustment and implementation of public policies and institutional practices that improve equal opportunities of access to quality basic services, employment to young people and women, justice, security and human rights, by improving the performance of the public services through effective processes, tools and innovative participatory mechanisms, prioritizing women and young people.
Expected Results
RE1. “The states of Oaxaca and San Luis Potosi have integrated social cohesion agendas that articulate public policies, institutional practices, financing schemes based on lessons learned, pilot initiatives, sensitively on employment issues on women and young people, justice, security, gender, transparency and human rights”.
RE 2 “The SRE, as a federal institution responsible for promoting all levels of government, has harmonized the national legal framework with international standards; SEGOB, the Undersecretary for Prevention and Citizen Participation and SEDESOL responsible for the generation of public policies in matters of employment and generation of employment opportunities, social security and prevention, have been strengthened in their capacity to review, develop and implement public policies, institutional practices and pilot projects aimed at strengthening employment opportunities, women’s participation and social cohesion in these sectors.
RE3. “The capacity of CSOs at local and federal level to participate effectively in the design, implementation, evaluation and monitoring of policies, programs and pilot projects in the area of public policies aimed at creating opportunities and professional technical capacities and strengthening the SMEs, facilitating incorporation into the development process through generation of sustainable income.