- Project: Environmental Recovery and Socioeconomic Development in the IX Region of Chile – Araucania
- Contracting Authority : European Commission
- Location : Chile
- Period: 2002-2007
The project aims to strength the human resources as tool to develop rural areas of Mapuche population settled in the Araucania Region. The specific objective is to support the development of the rural areas of the region throughout:
i) capacity building of local institutions and organisations;
ii) support to enterprise development and local economy;
iii) education on environmental protection.
Main activities
• Strengthening of local economic dynamics, farmers association and promotion of micro-business in order to improve rural incomes throughout export of agricultural products;
• Promotion and Diversification of rural business activities (rural tourism, wood processing, handcrafts, organic products, etc.)
• Post harvesting handling, selection, processing and packaging;
• The environment protection and soil conservation throughout proper technologies, water management;
• Improvement of management and conservation of natural resources;
• Technical assistance to local institutions both private and public;
• Supporting and promotion of tourism initiatives;
• Supporting in the establishment of rural social facilities (health centres, schools, etc.).