- Project: Development of Northern Pacific Coast of Nicaragua
- Contracting Authority : European Commission
- Location : Nicaragua
- Period: 2002-2008
Aim of the project is to achieve sustainable local and economic development in 17 Municipalities of the North Pacific cost of Nicaragua (Leon and Chinandega Departments), by giving continuity and enforcing the activities supported by one previous EC project in the area. The project help the local municipalities, SMEs and rural organisations in providing advice and technical assistance in identifying their priorities and in supporting their interventions aimed at improving the agricultural and animal breeding productions and in promoting the diversification of the agricultural production. The project is contributing to the strengthening of rural organisations, providing finacial facilities for co-financing production, marketing and processing activities, facilitating training access and courses for the beneficiaries and providing support to the local municipalities. All project activities are ensuring environmental sustainability and gender equity.
• Increased local and economic conditions of the rural inhabitants with particular emphasis on gender equity issues;
• introduction and adoption of environmental friendly agricultural and animal husbandry practices;
• improved information and sensibilisation of the rural populations as well as public and private actors towards planning and implementation of economic activities respecting the natural resources conservation;
• increased capacity of the municipalities and rural communities to design their own development and territorial plans;
• rehabilitation/construction of rural roads and production and social infrastructures;
• set up and management of rural financial system;
• creation, support and strengthening of Small and Medium Enterprises;
• training of beneficiaries communities in planning, implementing and required maintenance of rural infrastructures;
• support the local institution in projects’ proposal preparations, feasibility studies and facilitate contacts with national and international funding sources co-ordination with other EC and International projects in the area.