- Project: Adaptation to Climate Change in the Dry Corredor of Guatemala
- Contracting Authority : Federal Republic of Germany (KfW)
- Location : Guatemala
- Period: 2017-2023
The Adaptation to Climate Change project in Corredor Seco in Guatemala is an initiative conceived by the environmental institutions of Guatemala and led by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN). It contributes to reduce vulnerability of the population and ecosystems due to Climate Change in the Corredor Seco. The National Forest Institute (INAB), the National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology Meteorology and Hydrology (INSIVUMEH) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAGA) are also involved in the project
The objectives of the Project are to improve the productive systems and the sustainable management of water, soil and forest. This will allow the Dry Corridor communities (Departments of Baja Verapaz, El Progreso, Zacapa) to face the negative effects of climate change. The activities will be carried out in 8 municipalities in the high and medium basins with a target population of 123,711 inhabitants.
Adaptation measures will convert basic grain production (maize)) into agro forestry systems. In addition conservation measures will increase soil productivity. This conversion will be supported through incentives, as well as incentives for the conservation of natural forests and sustainable management of production. The Program foresees the following components: a) Adaptation of agricultural production systems to climate change, b) Strengthening ecosystems, c) Development of scientific cooperation.
The program will last for 6 years and will be implemented by a Technical and Administrative Unit at MARN headquarters and at MARN Regional Execution Units.
Adaptation measures will be implemented at municipal level by the municipal offices involved in the project. The measures under Component 2 will be implemented by the INAB. The overall program value is 24,392,001 EUR, 8,977,271.EUR of which from German cooperation.