- Project: Rural and Local Development in the Department of Rivas
- Contracting Authority : European Commission
- Location : Nicaragua
- Period: 2005-2010
The Programme supports the local and rural development of Rivas Department in the South Pacific Coast of Nicaragua, by strengthening the organisations of agricultural producers and the small and medium enterprises of the rural sector in the framework of a sustainable development both from environmental and economic point of view. All project activities will ensure environmental sustainability and gender equity. Main activities concern the improvement and diversification of agricultural production, the development of agro-industry, agricultural product logistic and post harvesting organisation, market organisation, introduction of modern farming system with a low environmental impact, training of extension services, training of technicians and small holders. The Technical Assistance supports the strengthening of rural organisations of small producers, based on criteria of an entrepreneurial pattern, throughout the organisation of a proper financial scheme managed by the Financing National Institution, the technical assistance and training services. The objective of the technical assistance is the establishment and the boosting of rural enterprises and organisations in order to create an entrepreneurial pattern able to take face to the dynamics of local and international markets.
Expected Results
• Establishment of a sustainable rural financing system throughout a management contract of funds coming from the European Commission;
• Improvement of agricultural productions including staple and cash crops and for hors season export (fruits, vegetables, plantain, coffee, sesame, etc.);
• Improvement of Livestock and coastal sea products (fish and prawns);
• Establishment of various small holders organisations on entrepreneurial basis;
• Export to Central American Markets;
• Introduction of environmental protection techniques and soil conservation practices;
• Women participating in all entrepreneurial activities;
• Support the Rural National Institute (IDR) in planning of sectorial national policies;
• Training of extension services, professional training both for trainers and pilot programmes.