- Project: Technical Assistance to Support Decent Employment in Guatemala
- Contracting Authority : European Union
- Location : Guatemala
- Period: 2020-2027
Project description
Overall objective:
Reduce poverty in Guatemala especially for young people and women.
Specific objective:
Increase opportunities for decent employment for all, in particular for young people and women, in line with the National Policy for Decent Employment 2017-2032 (PNED).
Expected results
R1. The institutional framework for the implementation of the National Policy for Decent Employment is strengthened.
The R1 directly support the strengthening of the institutional framework, in particular of the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Education. This is necessary to implement the four axes of the PNED, especially the activities planned in the axes 3 (Enabling environment for business development) and 4 of the Policy (Transit to formality). This activity seeks to support (i) the structuring and operation of an Executive Secretary for the Interinstitutional Technical Table (MTI); (ii) the organization of the MTI and its subcommittees; (iii) the participation of public and private sector institutions, employers’ organizations (social actors) in the MTI; and (iv) the development and implementation of a monitoring and evaluation system for the National Policy of Decent Employment.
R2. The employability of the target beneficiaries is improved. The R2 is directly linked to supporting vocational education and training and the certification of skills for employment, foreseen in the axis 2 of the PNED (development of human capital). This implies (i) designing new training products according to the demand of the labour market; (ii) create a new career in entrepreneurship and innovation; (iii) structure a labour certification model; (iv) provide training for employment within the framework of SINAFOL; (v) capacity building activities for trainers / teachers (led by the Ministry of Education or other institutions deemed appropriate); and (vi) cooperate with the operator training process.
R3 – The entrepreneurship and innovation capacities of new and growing micro, small and medium-sized companies are improved. The R3 focuses on supporting axis 1 of the Policy (job generation) by improving the entrepreneurial and innovation capacities of new and growing micro, small and medium-sized companies in promoting the creation of decent jobs.