• Via Aurelia Nord, 100 – 58100 Grosseto - Italy
  • 14 Calle 13-98, Zona 10 Oakland, Guatemala City, Guatemala, CA

Technical Assistance to Support the Participation of indigenous peoples to municipal management processes


  • Project: Technical Assistance to Support the Participation of indigenous peoples to municipal management processes
  • Contracting Authority : European Commission
  • Location : Guatemala
  • Period: 2007-2009


The Project “Support to participation of indigenous populations to management of Municipal Processes” is framed inside the “Programme for Decentralization and Municipal Strengthening in Guatemala, co-financed by the European Commission and manager by the Executive Secretary of the Presidency (Contract No 8). Jointly with other contracts, the Project aims the objective to contribute to the following foreseen results:
– Indigenous populations have developed capabilities in participation, incidence and defence of civil and cultural rights and their specific needs are involved in municipal planning.
– Indigenous populations, with the support of local authorities, have acquired a better participation and incidence in public spaces concerning territorial strategic planning, local sustainable development for management of municipal e inter-municipal services.
– Indigenous populations and local authorities have established mechanisms for sustainability of training and participation activities in processes concerning municipal strengthening, decentralized territorial management.

The Project foresees to carry out various activities, from diagnostic, analysis, training, organization, in order to facilitate and open spaces of participation to Indigenous populations at municipal and inter-municipal level in the following:
– justice and security;
– health and education;
– modification of rules related with decentralization;
– participation in overall policy and municipal and inter-municipal strengthening;
– strategic planning for territorial development;
– pertinence of territorial basic and social services;
– national Strategy and Planning for municipal and inter-municipal training;
– Drawing of inclusion policies;
– Information and communication.