- Project: Strengthening of the Organisations of Civil Society in Honduras (Mach-2)
- Contracting Authority : European Union
- Location : Honduras
- Period: 2023-2027
General Objective:
To improve the enabling conditions and capacities of Honduran Civil Society Organisations to participate in promoting development and democracy in the country.
Specific Objective:
The specific objective is to strengthen the enabling environment for CSOs and increase their capacity to access and participate in social oversight and policy dialogue processes at all levels, and in the different priority areas of EU intervention.
This intervention will coordinate its actions with MACH-1 aimed at institutional strengthening of the public sector, will support the definition and preparation of solid public policies to reinforce the impact and importance of the actions carried out in the priority areas of the MIP, and with MACH-3 aimed at the implementation of EU strategic communication and public diplomacy actions, will broaden and strengthen EU awareness, understanding and support in the country, in particular by promoting the approach and initiatives of Team Europe.
Expected results
(R1). Improved enabling environment for CSOs in Honduras through the implementation of the EU national roadmap for engagement with civil society for the period 2021 – 2027.
(R2). Strengthened capacities of civil society to increase their participation in policy formulation, social oversight and to engage in structured dialogue on public policies within the framework of EU cooperation areas, at national and local level.
Target groups
The main target group of MACH-2 is the set of main civil society organizations that have knowledge and experience in multi-stakeholder dialogue on sectoral public policies related to the implementation of the PIM, particularly those with relevant representative capacity at national and local level. They will also have to relate to public and private institutions in charge of developing and/or monitoring public policies and sectoral strategies.